Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I simply must share this!

Yesterday, as I was making my way to the car from the post office, a foreign guy stopped me. 

With a stone look, he said "Excuse me, where's the fuuuuudddd..."
and I was like the what? 
This time, being more stone-faced and angrier over me for not understanding what he was on about, he said, 
"Where's the fuuuddddd...you know, makannnnn" while making a demonstration of 'eating' with his hands. 

And I was like, Oh, you mean food. You have to go straight up and turn right from here.

It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing about it the whole day. I mean come on, I can't understand his slang at all, and he was so pissed off when he stopped me over earlier. Probably he did ask other people but they too couldn't get what he was talking about. 

Oh dear. Anyway, if other people start to not understand what you're on about, I would advice you to do a demonstration of the thing you're talking about with your hands. It really does makes a change. Hahahaha. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

10 Finalist of the Malaysia Top Host 2010!!

 Siapa di antara wajah-wajah ini bakal menjadi wajah 2010?


Gambar di atas are the finalist for Malaysia Top Host 2010. Mereka kelihatan sungguh gembira bukan? Sape tak gembira wei dapat jadi top 10. Entah berapa la yang apply untuk Top Host ni, tapi yang nak 10 orang jer. Kenapa Ally tak besarkan sikit quota tu jadi 20 ke, banyak sikit saingan. Banyak pulak I bebel eh, bebel bukan sebab ape..sebab jealous nak mati. Serious tak tipu. I apply jugak tapi tak dapat. Ingatkan dapat. Chewah. 

Semangat giler me and my friend, Wina buat clip video of introducing myself. Pastu pulak masa nak submit kena convert dulu video tu jadi dalam bentuk avi le hape dulu. Pastu mula memang da macam nak give up dah, tapi Wina asyik cakap selalunya nak berjaya ada cabaran dulu, so maybe nanti I akan berjaya. So her words inspired me untuk mencari dan mendownload Video Converter dan setersunya mengconvertkan video menjadi apa yang tv3 inginkan (sebab I submit online) 

Pastu the night before the closing date tu baru terhegeh-hegeh buat karangan "Saya adalah Top Host 2010 kerana..." tidak melebihi 350 patah perkataan dengan harapan mungkin the words akan flow lagi best dan mungkin pihak TV3 terutamanya Ally Iskandar akan terpegun dengan essay tersebut. Hahaha, you wish. Harapan tinggal harapan. Oh my God, I sungguh sedih. 

Semalam I lepak-lepak dengan my friend sambil tengok TV, dan tiba-tiba ada iklan tentang Top Host yang akan dishowkan this 3rd March. Lepas tu I cakap mesti dah ada finalist, kalau tak takkan diorang dah buat promosi untuk show tu. So balik makan tu I terus usaha cari info pasal Top Host ni, dan just as my instincts told me, I wasn't one of them. =(  
Ala instinct ni, ari tu iyer-iyer je kuat mengatakan I might get the chance, tapi last-last minit tak dapat lak. Eceh, menyalahkan instinct. 

Semalam boleh tak siap tak boleh tidur lagi memikirkan hal ini. Siap boleh terfikir lagi, eh kenapa aku tak mintak adik Ally Iskandar, si Ardi tu tolong ajar aku cara-cara abang dia host, walaupun tidak pernah bersapa semasa di universiti tapi tiba-tiba nak buat muka tak malu dan ala-ala macam dah kenal si Ardi sejak di bangku sekolah lagi. Okay, fine.

Okay la, looks like I memang kena usaha untuk terima hakikat ini walaupun memang teringin nak mati untuk jadi top 10. Jadi top 10 pun jadi la Ally. Hahah, merayu macam la si Ally baca blog ni. Dulu pernah join Penagacara Jemputan Nona (PJN), and that was like 3 years ago kot. Siap paksa kawan I, Kak Rini to accompany me, tapi in the end, dengan dia sekali kena audition. Hahaha, sorry Kak Rini. Pastu dah ada peluang depan mata memain masa tu. Sebab masa tu tak la teringin sangat, cuma nak cuba nasib je. Siap diberi peluang kedua untuk cuba lagi dengan lebih serious. Last-last abang camera man siap geleng kepala lagi. Mesti dalam hati dia, ish budak ni, tolong serious sikit eh, memain pulak dia, dah bagi 2nd chance pun memain. 
Tapi Kak Rini lagi best, siap kena nyanyi lagi sebab dalam borang tu dia tulis hobby dia menyanyi. Tak pasal-pasal kena nyanyi. Nasib baik memang suara sedap. Kenangan yang tak dapat dilupakan T__T

Okay la, since tak dapat masuk Top Host, kita tengok je la siapa yang bakal mewarnai TV3 pada tahun ini yer. Mari tonton bersama this wednesay, 3rd of March. You rasa siapa antara mereka akan menang? I rasa mamat yang further right at the back row tu. Sebab he looks very versatile and cute. Hahaha, takde kaitan untuk jadi host. Okay, fine lagi! 
And, you perasan tak sekali pandang muka mamat cute tu dengan yang lagi sorang di back row sebelah perempuan berambut perang itu ada iras. Macam adik beradik. Adakah mereka bersaudara? 
And, gadis di depan, sebelah kanan gadis yang memakai hijab itu rupanya macam si molek Amy Mastura kan?

Okay, so I bet mamat cute versatil tu. You bet siapa pulak? Mari lihat. Siapa menang kena belanja makan cendol.Okay bye.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why I Like It Longer

Remember having to wait so long for your friend to dress up for dinner when you have nothing interesting to do? 
Or that very long journey when you have to wait for the train to get to your desired destination, while silently praying that suddenly the train can go at 120 miles per hour? 

 Oh my God, imagine being in the train for an hour from Kelana Jaya to Putra Gombak, where the only thing you can do is either look up through the window, read your favorite novel which you have read for over ten times, or listen to your list of music from your mobile phone.
*Yawn* How boring can it be.

I'm sure we've been through those situations, in which we hope, wish and crave for something fun and exciting to do, right? 
'Longer' can simply means boring for some, but not when you have the right thing to keep you well entertained!
And guess what, I have just the perfect thing for you. 
Oh wow, this is getting fun!!!
So, don't just stop right there. Keep on reading babey.

See! This is exactly why I would like my phone longer. 

How would you like to watch your favorite episode of Gossip Girls from your mobile phone in that long journey, be it in the bus, train, plane and basically anywhere.
With the new LG CHOCOLATE BL40 Supermodel phone, you can do just about anything from watching your favourite TV series, to watching clips of the lovely Taylor Swift, or entertain yourself with AVATAR, as if you're really watching it in the cinema with the real screen in front of you. 

See what I mean? Watching Avatar with this Supermodel phone is like being part of Avatar too!
The LG CHOCOLATE BL40 is designed with a 
huge 4 inch widescreen panoramic display, with superb colors and smooth motions
So you won't even notice you are actually watching your favorite movie from your mobile. How cool is that. Now that's why I like it longer. Oh wait, there's more to come so keep on scrolling!

The next thing on why I like the new LG CHOCOLATE BL40 longer is due to its 5 Megapixel camera. Okay, so what's the difference between this new LG and other phone in the market. 
I don't know about you, but my hands would always shake whenever I take pictures with my mobile phone camera, so I always end up getting those blur images. 
But, this new Supermodel phone is so superb that despite of your hand-shaking-syndrome, your pictures would turn out perfect. This is due to its image stabilization feature it has on trembling hands like me T_____T

Image courtesy of www.lg-phones.org

Apart from its unsteady hands feature thing, thanks to the 4 inch widescreen, you can actually fit your dozen mates in one shot, in which you don't have to zoom in to view their faces. But then, if you still want to zoom in and out for better views on their pimples, you can still do so by pinching the screen with your fingers. Its so fun zooming it with your fingers you know. 
I've tried it and I felt like one of those 5 year old playing with daddy's phone. (^__^)

To make things more interesting for you, you can actually capture the wonderful 360 degree view of the place you visited from the point you are standing into one single panoramic image. This smart phone can actually process those images of yours in seconds and deliver you the best panoramic photo for you! How cool does that sound.
This is what you can get from this babe. Superb!

Watch this video on how this smart phone can do just about anything. 


Oh, have you ever tried viewing your blog or read the news with your mobile phone? I would get so annoyed having to keep on hitting the right or left button to read the rest of the sentence. 
But guess what, you don't have to do that with the Supermodel phone, because again, its 4 inch widescreen  
lets you view your whole blog without having to scroll horizontally
And this makes blogging more fun because it'll make you feel like you are viewing it with your computer or laptop.

The fifth reason why I like the new LG longer is due to its Dual Screen.

I don't know about other emails, but new Yahoo emails has this dual screen features too, where the email subject will be at the top and its contents is at the bottom. 
But then, thanks to its longer feature, this Supermodel phone  
allows you to view the email subject and contents side by side
So that means you can check the subject and contents at the same time.

Image courtesy of www.mygadgetplanet.com

Now, you might be thinking of the size of the phone, assuming that it might not fit into your pocket perfectly. Well, longer doesn't mean it won't be comfortable on your palms or in your pocket. I'm sure the LG designers have the comfort size taken into account before they even design it. 

Measuring at 128mm (length), 51mm (width) and 10.9mm (thickness), the size is quite similar to the iPhone with 115mm (length), 61mm (width) and 11.6mm (thickness). And, I even tried placing the new LG BL40 into my jeans pocket and it fits perfectly nice. And, I even measured up a couple of my jeans front pocket for its depth dimension and it fits great. If you don't believe me, you can try it for yourself too T_____T

See, there's even a couple of inches left for you to put your car keys inside. 

Oh wow, I could go on forever. You can simply check it out yourself for more reasons on why you and I would like it longer here!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rahsia anggun jelita on your wedding day bersama Jovian Mandagie

Apa perasaan you kalau tiba-tiba hari ini boyfriend you cakap 
" Sayang, jom kahwin bulan enam ni nak tak?" 
Sama ada you balas "Nak..nak!! segirang-girangnya " atau you balas, 
 "hish, you ni, I bukan tak nak kahwin lagi, tapi takkan you dah lupa impian I nak pakai wedding dress exclusive si Jovian Mandagie yang beribu-ribu itu. Sekarang saving I baru aje RM200.20 sen tunai. Kita postpone bulan enam tahun 2015 je la eh "

Ha, buat la perangai macam tu, kang terus boyfriend you merajuk tak nak ajak kahwin dah. (^_^) 
 Tapi yer la kan, mesti setiap orang inginkan wedding yang the best and the bomb gitu. Tak salah tu, tapi kalau belum mampu untuk pakai wedding dress Jovian, Rizalman atau yang sewaktu dengannya, kita berangan je la dalam mimpi eh. Alahai sedihnya. 
Okay la, kalau tak nak, kita tengok gambar wedding yang best dan kita berangan itu adalah kita eh. Tak nak jugak? Hamboi hamboi..demand sungguh. 

Hamboi hamboi, segak sungguh dress cover itu. 

Hamboi hamboi, cantik sungguh baju itu dan ayu sungguh pengantin itu. 
Okay, introducing my new auntie to my uncle.

Puas uncle I merantau mencari gadis idaman, last last jumpak dalam facebook. Jadi kalau you belum jumpa lagi lelaki atau perempuan idaman, keep on searching dalam facebook okay. 

Eh, jangan. I acah ajer. Zaman sekarang sukar nak percaya cinta siber ni. Banyak buruk dari baik, though ada je yang kenal ikut internet ni end up kahwin. Ikut rezeki la kot. Anyway, both of them were classmates back in the university dulu, and got closer through facebook. So, it wasn't actually a stranger hooking up with a stranger.

Ini lah dia lelaki macho tersebut. Kahwin juga akhirnya. Tahniah! (T__T)

Ala ala ala malu malu malu (^_^)

Notice the detailing on top of the scarf. Sungguh elegant gitu.

The akad nikah was in Masjid Wilayah, Jalan Duta while the wedding reception was done in Passion Road, Kuala Lumpur.

My uncle was wearing something similar to a tuxedo, but without a bow which looks simple. Notice the purple sequence 'belt' wrapped around auntie Alice's waist. I'll show you how it looks like from the back. Simple, but it gives that outstanding affect on the dress. 

An evening garden wedding bertemakan putih dan lilac.

Apakah yang diperkatakan sehingga gembira sungguh groom tersebut. Tidak mengapa. Awet muda. 
So this is how the belt looks like from the back. Actually the bride is holding the long bow with her hand. Its supposed to have that long dangling affect at the back, but I guess you know what I mean. 

The behind-the-scene-wedding-crews yang telah berjaya mengindahkan lagi wedding tersebut. 

Wedding is more fun kan when you have the right money in your account. But for you who are planning on your wedding, but wish for a very exclusive one, but do not have the right amount yet, but you want to get married so badly, I guess you should go back to basics. Rasulullah tidak pernah membebankan umatnya when it comes to marriage. 

Yang penting is the akad dan niat. Niat sebenar perkahwinan adalah untuk mendapat berkat, di dunia dan akhirat. Tapi bila niat tu sudah bercanggah dengan agama, contohnya ingin bermegah-megah, maka terjadilah isu kahwin sekejap, bercerai. Nauzubillah. Jadi, mari kita betulkan niat kita dengan harapan mendapat berkat dunia akhirat. Emak I selalu pesan, kalau kita kejar dunia, kita hanya akan dapat dunia, tapi kalau kejar akhirat, dunia dapat, akhirat pun dapat. Sungguh untung bukan? 
Hohoho...tazkirah pagi sekejap. (^_^)

Baiklah, I lapar. Jadi supaya you pun jadi lapar macam I, maka I persembahkan sesuatu yang enak yang hanya mampu dilihat, tapi tak mampu untuk dimakan. Gila kejam kau.

Lapar tak? Kalau you tak lapar I give up la ;(

Mwahhh. Cheerioss readers!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How to get that dream butt of yours..Awwww *blushing*

Adakah you tergolong dalam golongan yang sungguh berkeinginan untuk memiliki punggung yang menawan tanpa perlu melakukan transplant? Jika ya, maka you adalah pembaca yang bertuah kerana I am going to share with you the tips. Oleh itu, teruskan membaca ya. 

Kalau tengok kawan-kawan perempuan yang punggung cantik gitu, mesti tiba-tiba ada suara busuk dalam hati cakap, "macam mana la dia dapat punggung camtu. Mesti dia buat surgery tu *dengan nada tidak puas hati*"
Tapi, jikalau tiada suara busuk tersebut, maka I ucapkan tahniah kerana hati you begitu baik (^_^)

Walaupun topik ini agak sensitive, tetapi I harap you all could take it positively, kerana bagi I, punggung yang cantik itu adalah aset wanita kan. Wanita kan begitu berharga. Ha, tapi kalau yang sedang membaca ni adalah golongan suami, lepas ini boleh la share tips ini dengan isteri you all. Tapi tak semestinya lelaki pun tak boleh buat. Boleh, its good for your legs, you akan bertambah yakin apabila melangkah masuk ke office esok. Betul, tak tipu. 
Mana tak yakinnya, dengan squatting you mampu memiliki dada bidang seperti abang kacak di bawah.

Muahahaha. Tipu.

 Jadi, bagaimana caranya? Sebelum I terangkan dengan lebih lanjut, tips-tips yang I kongsi dengan you ni sebenarnya I dah cuba dulu, supaya I dapat share my experiences. Yang I selalu amalkan setiap pagi dipanggil 'squat exercise'. Hohoho, amalkan setiap pagi konon. Tipu lagi. Tapi you jangan tipu, tak baik.

Squatting ini sebenarnya sangat bagus untuk bahagian butt, thighs and calves dan boleh di amalkan oleh perempuan atau lelaki. Kalau dah berkahwin, exercise la sama-sama dengan suami, atau isteri. Badan cantik, rumahtangga pula semakin harmoni (T___T)

Step One: 

Berdiri tegak seperti Miss Rosemary di atas. Spread your legs a little dan tangan seperti apa yang Miss Rosemary buat. Sungguh sukar untuk explain secara bertulis.

Step Two:

Bend your knees and move downwards, sambil mengekalkan posisi tadi, and feel your muscles stretching. Kalau mahu suasana lebih mencabar, kekalkan posisi step two and count to 10. Woooo, time tu you rasa lutut terketar-ketar babe. Tapi, kalau you seorang yang gagah, maka teruskan sampai kiraan 20. Tapi usahlah over konon esok dah boleh dapat dah punggung idaman kalau kekalkan posisi dan kira sampai 100. Mahu pengsan kau. Sabar, usah tamak. Buat sikit-sikit dulu for new beginners okay. Janji kena buat setiap hari tanpa rasa jemu. 

The one in red and blue lines tu nak indicate the muscles that are working, which means that your back, your thighs and butt are really working their ass out to get that perfect shape of yours. 

My advice is, if you baru nak try, buat dulu 10 kali. Lepas tu rest sekejap 2 saat dan buat lagi 10. But make sure that both of your foot are flat on the floor. Jangan buat exercise ni dalam keadaan tip-toe, maksudnya terjengket. Faham tak? Kerana ia membahayakan. Takut ada urat-urat yang terseliuh nanti. 

Before I go, I ada terjumpa a similar form of squatting exercise which is called Leap & Kick Workout where you have to squat immediately after you jump. So, check it out. Till then, good bye and happy trying (^_^)