Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are breaking up!!!

Hello darlings ( and you and you who are reading this posts (^_^)
I assume you guys have heard on the Brangelina's-coming-soon-separation-news.

Oh well, I guess that's the price you have to pay when you choose your path as a celebrity, what more a Hollywood celebrity! Pheww...must be exhausted to be one.

Well, I'm not going on about who's fault was it and such, but according to one of the reports, Angelina is sick of Brad's laddish lifestyle which includes nights out with the boys along with his new habit of drinking beers. 

As for Brad, he feels that Angelina should get some psychiatric help. Oh wow, so much for a happy ending. Okay, I feel like singing one of Avril's song..'so much for a happy ending' here. Maybe someone can help me sing it. (^_^)

And, to make matter worse, Brad have been very close to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston and in one of the report, Brads' mum and family never likes Angelina. They prefer Aniston better. Ouch. It hurts so bad when the whole family goes against you. 

Anyway, I don't know how true the reports are as I am not yet a qualified paparazzi. Hah. As if I want to be one anyway. So here are pictures for you to look at. 

 Angie and Pitt..they look happy though. But being a celebrity I guess they need to learn how to fake happiness.


Pitt and Aniston when they were married. 
Pitt cheated on her while they were still married and I wonder if Jen would still accept him back


Who do you like better? Who fit Pitt better? I would say Jen. They look so emotionally relax together..*through photos that is*

So come on, what do you think of this news. Share with me. Till then. Good night. I'm having sore throat and runny nose and headache and god knows what else. Uhhh...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Confession of a broken heart

Have you ever felt like the world is against you at times? Like there is no one to turn to when you feel so small, so sad and so fragile??

Have you ever wish for someone to cling on to, someone who can make you feel emotionally stable and strong, someone who knows how to bring out the very best in you??

Have you ever, at times felt like a little girl who desperately need a helping hand from someone you trust and love, and wish they would say the things that you wanted to hear?
Have you ever wonder when will you find that someone who understands you so well that they know how to calm you down when you're feeling all hurt inside??

Have you ever felt so alone when you have desired dreams to grab on to, but no one is supporting you?

Do you ever wish to completely disappear and begin a new life, a new you, a better you? 

Do you ever wish people can understand and say things the exact way you understands them?

Oh well, this is life I suppose, nothing is exactly according to your dreams and wishes, right? 

Good night everyone.

Ciri-ciri isteri solehah yang perlu dimiliki

Tadi sambil makan I tengok Wanita Hari Ini *WHI* on tv3. Topiknya agak interesting. Its about Isteri Lunch Hour. Apa itu Isteri Lunch Hour? Adakah ia berkenaan topik apa si isteri masak untuk suami masa lunch? Hohoho, tidak. 
Its about isteri yang menjalinkan hubungan dengan lelaki lain, where in most cases hubungan tersebut usually akan terjalin dengan office mates. Are you one of them? Oh, I hope not. 

Ada la tadi a few callers, mostly ladies to either admit that they are having an affair, ataupun untuk share stories on people they know. So I'll start with one by one okay. 
I think this is a very serious topic. Sebab sekarang dalam news banyak sungguh topik-topik curang dan jahat ini, dan each one of us is responsible to make sure that it does not happen to us.

Scenario One:

One of the caller cakap she is having an affair with her office mate. Selalu tumpang pergi office sebab dia tak ada kereta. Keadaan bertambah happening bila si suami kurang berkomunikasi dengan si isteri ni. Bila tanya 'abang pergi mana? Lewatnya pulang' suami akan melenting suruh si isteri jangan tanya banyak. Lalu, si isteri pun kecewa dengan sikap suami yang langsung tak mahu share dan sokmo bersikap dingin. Jadi, tercetuslah insiden di mana isteri tawar hati tak mahu tanya dah suami ni sebab nanti kalau tanya pun asyik kene marah. 

Bila isteri ini asyik tumpang member office dia almost setiap hari, maka terhasil lah perasaan rindu sayang. Memang isteri ini admit yang apa dia buat itu tak betul, tapi dia still menyalahkan suami dia yang sebab suami ini la dia ter-curang. 

Scenario Two:

In one of the other confession, ada juga perempuan ni cakap yang suami dia selalu outstation lama-lama, dan dia asyik kena tinggal sorang-sorang. And, terjadilah insiden di mana dia akan mengadu pada kawan lelaki, betapa sunyinya dia asyik duduk rumah sorang-sorang. Not only did the guy offered to be her listener, tapi secara tak langsung offered to be her new soulmate.

Scenario Three: 

Ada seorang jiran di kawasan perumahan call untuk share perangai neighbour dia. Bukan untuk mengaibkan tetapi untuk bertanya pendapat. Yang ini paling semua orang terkejut la. Sebab katanya si isteri ini housewife, tapi berbeza dengan scenario one and two, scenario three ini bagitahu yang akan ada lelaki datang rumah jiran dia ni masa lunch hour. Ha, ini memang betul isteri lunch hour. Ber-lunch bersama lelaki lain semasa suami keluar bekerja. Bila caller ini bagi tahu si suami kepada isteri lunch hour tersebut, suami dia marah-marah caller ini. Dia cakap 'selagi aku tak nampak dengan mata kepala aku sendiri, aku tak akan percaya isteri aku curang!' Ha, amek kau. 

One of the panel of the day was Professor Izi, the motivator yang sungguh sinonim dengan ayat 'selamat mencuba & selamat beramal...' ke ape entah. One of his pendapat adalah dalam hubungan, both suami isteri must be responsible of what is happening around them. And, he keeps on stressing that kita kena berbalik kepada agama. Apa-apa pun agama. 

Dia cakap dalam hubungan perlu ada komunikasi, perlu share dengan pasangan. Bila kita berkongsi, pasangan akan rasa tidak kesunyian. Selalunya yang rasa kesunyian dan kurang kasih sayang ni pihak perempuan la kan. Sebabnya perempuan ni dianugerahkan 9 nafsu 1 akal tetapi lelaki memilik 9 akal 1 nafsu. Betul tak? Kalau tak betul sila perbetulkan eh. Sebab itu perempuan ni sensitif, emosi, penyayang, boleh jadi ibu yang baik, seorang pendengar yang baik sebab kaum perempuan ini mampu mendengar dengan menggunakan kata hati mereka, its called the 6th sense babey. 

The thing is, in my opinion, lelaki kurang mempamerkan kasih sayang mereka. Tapi dulu masa nak tackle jadi girlfriend or isteri dulu punya la jiwang, romantik bukan main. Pandai pulak. Tapi bila dah jadi girlfriend atau isteri, lelaki rasa diorang ni dah tak perlu nak bersayang-sayang lagi sebab kononnya perempuan tu dah jadi milik diorang. 

Wahai kaum lelaki, andaian kamu itu adalah salah sama sekali. Perempuan perlukan perhatian, dia perlu rasa dihargai. Dia perlu rasa yang boyfriend, tunang atau suami dia suka share, consult or tanya pendapat dia about anything. Bila selalu communicate dengan pasangan, kita akan lebih kenal one another, what is lacking, apa yang perlu improve, apa yang pasangan kita nak, apa yang dia tak suka and the list goes on.

I often feel that communication is the 2nd most important ingredient in a relationship after religion. A healthy relationship contributes to a happy and confident individual. All these penghargaan from the partner akan buat you rasa tenang, rasa there is something to look forward to, rasa you have to work harder in what you are doing sebab you are emotionally supported. And I greatly believe that stable emotions can create an outstanding individual, be it in work, or as a person. 

I rasa dalam hal curang-mencurang ini, both parties are responsible. Lelaki perlu lebih peka dan bertanggungjawab dalam hubungan. Perempuan pula perlu bersikap lebih rasional dan tidak terlalu emotional. Kadang-kadang perempuan ni curang sebab nak balas dendam kat lelaki dia. Konon nak tunjuk la yang dia masih laku di pasaran. Tapi, seperti kata Professor Izi tadi, berbalik lah kepada agama. Kalau situasi ini terjadi, berbanyakkan ibadat. Isitighfar is the most easiest. 

Mintak doa dan petunjuk dari Allah. My friend often said to me that Allah tak akan uji hambanya dengan dugaan yang hambanya tak mampu untuk handle. Betul tu. Walaupun kadang-kadang kita mempersoalkan kenapa kita yang dapat dugaan ni, kenapa orang lain happy aje, tak ada masalah. Eh, mana tau. Entah-entah diaorang pun ada masalah cuma diaorang sembunyikan. 

Jadi, the best thing that we can do as a muslim ialah berdoa dan yakin bahawa Allah nak uji keimanan kita. Berdoa dan bertaubat dan mintak jalan keluar dari segala kekusutan yang kita hadapi. Honda punya tagline kan 'The Power of Dreams'...sebenarnya I rasa doa pun perlu ada tagline which is 
'The power of doa'.

Seriously. Believe in whatever you ask for from Him, because one day, He might grant you your wishes. But if He doesn't, the thing you ask and wish for may not be what you really need. Remember, He knows the BEST for you.

Architecture is Tiring

Have you ever felt so sooo tired and you wish to have longer rest? 

 Well, you know what. Most of the time longer rest does not apply to architecture students. I had a presentation this morning. It's supposed to start off at 9 am sharp, but we came in 2o minutes later. Not because we wanted to be late, but because we had to. Well, 'had to' can't be used too sebab suka buat kerja last minute (^_^)

Being in architecture means that you have to be physically and mentally fit. Seriously, no kidding. Why? Because usually, most architecture students would have to work extra hour. When other students sleeps at 11 and watch movies in the computer, we on the other hand can only sleep at 6 am in the morning and wake up again at 10 am on the same day. How tiring does it sound? 

Very tiring

So, imagine having your sleep for less than 5 hour per day, continuously for a week. Even cars can break down from a non-stop travel, what more a body. 
Bila badan mula letih, presentation pun akan jadi meletihkan juga especially bila kena hentam teruk-teruk dengan panel. In this case, you have to be mentally fit. Tapi kadang-kadang ada juga yang kurang semangat akan menangis menyalahkan nasib sendiri. Hohoho..I've seen a few so far.

Letih okay. You work your butt out, tapi in the end your panel says its rubbish, or some even say things like "I think you should fail". 
Oh god, its painfully annoying. 

When I hear harsh comments from the panels, I kind of wonder how they were like when they were young. I mean come on, were they so good during their studies that they can actually allow themselves to harshly comments on other people's work? 

I hope if I ever become a panel one day I can be the one who is able to motivate others. Not everyone who takes up architecture are gifted in drawing skills. Some forced every ideas out of their brain, trying so badly to keep up with the gifted ones. And my oh my, sungguh sakit hati apabila kerja kita tidak dihargai. 

So, I feel that instead of torturing the not-so-gifted-ones, why can't they say something better, something motivated to keep the weak ones 'alive'. At least it can make them to work harder and to better understand their flaws.

I'm still feeling tired over the sleepless nights I had, so I'm going to go back to bed now and I'll see you soon.. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Inginkan kulit cantik, berseri, halus dan mulus??

Kulit cantik halus mulus memang idaman dan dambaan setiap insan kan, tak kira la wanita atau lelaki. 
 Gamaknye kalau kucing pun boleh berfikir, pasti mereka pun mahukan kulit yang berseri tanpa kurap di wajah mereka

Ya, I sedang merepek, macam biasa lah intro kalau tak merepek tak boleh (^_^)

Jadi, bagaimana untuk mendapatkan wajah secantik Katie Holmes atau Anne Hathaway yang bagaikan sempurna bak bidadari di atas jalanan. Sungguh dasyat dan sungguh berkeinginan untuk menjadi secantik bidadari, *walaupun tak pernah tahu bidadari rupanya macam mana, tapi masa kecil-kecil dulu emak selalu cakap kalau masuk syurga dapat kawan dengan bidadari syurga yang sungguh cantik* 

Okay, jangan berlengah lagi. Mari I kongsi bersama bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kulit yang cantik secara semula jadi tanpa perlu melakukan pembedahan atau Botox.


Kisahnya begini. Pada suatu hari, kakak saya telah memperkenalkan adik saya sebotol cuka buah. Ya, awak telah membacanya dengan betul. Cuka. Cuka itu apa? Cuka itu vinegar. Muahahaha. I tengah ajar you English, baik tak? (^_^)

Okay, just kidding. Jangan marah. Sebelum memperkenalkan kepada adik saya cuka tersebut, kakak saya telah mencubanya sendiri selama sebulan, dan hasilnya cukup memberangsangkan sehingga mendapat pujian dari emak saya. Saya tak puji sangat disebabkan jealous sebab along tak introduce awal-awal cuka tersebut. Muahahah.Merajuk tak kena tempat. 


Jeng Jeng Jeng. Inilah cuka yang dimaksudkan


Cuka ini sebenarnya sangat baik untuk kesihatan. Rasulullah sendiri pun telah menggunakan cuka sebagai makanan tambahan, termasuk lah minyak zaitun (olive oil). Kajian terperinci mengenai cuka akan dibincangkan kemudian, maka harap bersabar dan terus membaca. 

Berbalik kepada kejadian di mana kakak I telah dipuji oleh emak, maka tanpa sabar, I terus bertanya akan khasiat dan penggunaan cuka tersebut.
Caranya begini ya.

Untuk mengecilkan liang-liang roma @ pores di bahagian muka, especially di bahagian pipi di mana jerawat sering tumbuh, awak disyorkan untuk menggunakan cuka sebagai toner. Bagaimana caranya? Caranya adalah dengan mencampurkan 50% cuka + 50% water dan sapu campuran tersebut ke atas wajah you dengan menggunakan kapas. And, since vinegar is acidic, please mix the ingredients dengan menggunakan pinggan atak mangkuk kaca, bukan mangkuk ayun yer. 

Ulang langkah di atas sehingga nampak perbezaannya. Perbezaan akan terhasil apabila you mendapat pujian dari emak, kawan-kawan atau insan tersayang. Jadi jangan malas sampai dapat pujian. Sebenarnya you akan lihat kulit you makin halus around two weeks to a month, depending on your skin problem. I dah guna for almost a month now and my pores dah semakin kecil. Bukan lagi sebesar lesung batu. Yeay. Eh silap, alhamdulillah. 

Selain untuk wajah, you boleh guna juga cuka di bahagian kepala, iaitu rambut. Kalau you ada kelemumur, gatal-gatal sampai rasa nak cabut rambut sampai botak, you boleh gunakan cuka di bahagian rambut. I selalunya akan mix vinegar tu lebih sikit untuk bahagian muka dan rambut. So what I do is, I campur 1 sudu besar cuka + 1 sudu besar air and sapu pada muka. Selebihnya I letak kat rambut and leave it overnight. Maksudnya, I selalu amalkan benda ni sebelum tidur. Ceh, amalkan konon padahal selalu je malas nak letak. (^_^) Tapi you jangan malas macam I. Janji jangan malas tau. 

Tunggu!! Ada lagi khasiat vinegar ni. You boleh jadikan sebagai minuman kesihatan.It can give you extra energy selain dari buatkan you makin berseri-seri. Tapi I akan kongsi rahsia itu kemudian setelah you amalkan yang untuk muka dulu okay? Penat la taip panjang-panjang and I tau you pun penat nak baca panjang-panjang kan? 

So, inilah hasilnya setelah menggunakan cuka. 

Wajah sebelum menggunakan cuka

Wajah selepas menggunakan cuka

Sunggu hebat bukan hasilnya? Sila cuba untuk hasil yang lebih indah (^_^)

Owh, I asyik lupa je. Kat mana nak beli kan? Beli kat Giant tau, jangan beli kat Tesco sebab Tesco takde jual brand yang disyorkan itu. I syorkan you beli brand BRAGGS seperti botol di atas because its pure, tidak ditapis. Kalau brand lain, contohnya Heinz sudah ditapis dan tak berapa best dah. You boleh beli kat bahagian kicap dan sos di Giant. Harga botol kecil lebih kurang RM 11 kot. Kalau nak cuba, beli botol kecil dulu, jangan tamak. 

Bila sapu tu, jangan terus sapu kat muka, takut you ni tergolong dalam kulit sensitif. Sapu dulu kat leher. Biar sekejap and see if there is any changes, contohnya merah ke rashes ke ape. Kalau tak ada dan rasa selamat, sila tempek pada wajah. Kalau I pakai, kadang-kadang rasa pedih sikit, so I akan lebihkan air. 

Okay la, dari tadi okay, okay, dah penat taip panjang-panjang. Jumpa lagi!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cool cardigans to give away!!Siapa cepat dia dapat (^_^)

Cardigan is a must have item in your closet ladies. Why? Sebab you akan nampak simple, tapi menawan. Tak percaya? Ha, tengok la gambar di bawah (^_^)

Simple sahaja, tapi sungguh stylish. Sungguh. 

Oleh itu, I perkenalkan cardigans for you. Ada satu unit je for each one. So siapa mahu, sila email cepat sementara stok masih ada. 

C01~ Long Red Cardigan
RM 55
Status: Sold 
Labuh cardigan ini adalah sehingga paras peha 
Materialnya agak tebal, dan sungguh sesuai untuk menonton wayang, dalam office yang sejuk ala-ala di Europe (^_^). I pun ada jugak, colour hitam and I love it so much. Kalau ikutkan hati I yang tamak I tak nak jual sebab I suka the colour. So bright and bold. Siap boleh simpan handphone dan tangan dalam poket lagi sambil jalan-jalan (^_^)

Owh, and my favorite artist is also wearing a red cardigan too (^_^)

C02~Purple Cardigan
Free Size 
Labuh: 59cm

Right. See what I mean when I say that cardigans is a MUST item in your closet. Jessica Alba looks so stylish in one. 

You guys can wear these cardigan on top of your tees. Sungguh simple, yet stylish.

Cool & cheap tees for sale!!! Grab now

 Mahu sentiasa nampak menarik walaupun hanya memakai Tee? 
Well, here's how the celebrities do it, so mari kita tiru beramai-ramai (^_^)

Anne Hathaway looks so chic and stylish. Suka tak? I suka (^_^) 

Tengok ni. Dual-function woo. 

So sebenarnya dengan t-shirts you can do almost anything creative. So here are some to choose from. Mari shopping. Yeayyy

::Eiffel-Tower Vintage Printed Long Tee (Blue)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-36cm :: Sleeves-12cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-77cm
Status : Available

::Eiffel-Tower Vintage Printed Long Tee (Grey)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-36cm :: Sleeves-12cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-77cm
Status : Available

::Sequence Long Tee (S0)-2 available (Black)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-35cm :: Sleeves-13cm :: Bust-41cm :: Length-73cm
Status : Available

:: Sequence Long Tee (S0)-2 available (Purple)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-35cm :: Sleeves-13cm :: Bust-41cm :: Length-73cm
Status : Available

::Cool cotton shirt (Black)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-34cm :: Sleeves-18cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-80cm
Status : Available

::Cool cotton shirt (Turqoise)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-34cm :: Sleeves-18cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-80cm
Status : Available

::Cool cotton shirt (Blue)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-34cm :: Sleeves-18cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-80cm
Status : Available

::Cool cotton shirt (Green)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-34cm :: Sleeves-18cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-80cm
Status : Available

::Printed Long Tee(Pink)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-37cm :: Sleeves-14cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-76cm
Note-Throw on a long cardigan @ a woolen shawl with these printed shirts
Status : Available

::Printed Long Tee(Blue)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-37cm :: Sleeves-14cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-76cm
Note-Throw on a long cardigan @ a woolen shawl with these printed shirts
Status : Available

::Printed Long Tee(White)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-37cm :: Sleeves-14cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-76cm
Note-Throw on a long cardigan @ a woolen shawl with these printed shirts
Status : Available

::Printed Long Tee(Green)::
Free Size :: Shoulder-37cm :: Sleeves-14cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-76cm
Note-Throw on a long cardigan @ a woolen shawl with these printed shirts
Status : Available

Dress like a celebrity!! Come shop with me (^_^)

Want to dress and look like a celebrity? Oh wow, I've always wanted to look like one since little (^_^). Here are some dresses, top and blouses for you to shop for, in which some of the design has similar looks by celebrities. 
Oh yeah babey. 

However, there are pictures yang tak sama in design, tapi I letak dengan tujuan untuk bagi you guys ideas how you can play around with accessories and how the celebrities do it to look hot!!

Check them out.

Item No. 1
 BL~O13- Korean Lace Blouse (White) 
Unit available: One (1)
Free Size :: Shoulder-38cm :: Sleeves-60cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-75cm
Note-Plain blouse can be matched with printed head scarf and accessories
Status: Available

BL~O14- Korean Lace Blouse (Black)
Unit available: One (1)
Free Size :: Shoulder-38cm :: Sleeves-60cm :: Bust-43cm :: Length-75cm
Note-Match it with a floral pattern head scarf @ shawl & don't forget accessories!!
Status: Available

Here's tip & ideas for a casual look in the weekend
and here is a formal look for your office wear where you can tuck it into your skirt, or long pants. Dua-dua pun cantik (^_^)

Item No. 2
 I like this one a lot because Katie Holmes like to wear something like this too 
 BL~O15- Charming collar bow blouse (White)
Units available: Two (2)
Free Size(Loose Cut) :: Shoulder-36cm :: Sleeves-58cm :: Bust-49cm :: Length-70cm
Note-Suitable for casual @ office wear.Show off a little fashion flair with a belt around your waist to show off those curves
Status: Available
 This is by Armani. See how she does it? You can tuck it inside your pants for a sophisticated look 

Oh, and here's another sophisticated look 

Casual look with little Suri. Isn't she such a doll

Item No. 3 
 BL~O16- Charming check-shirt-1 available
Free Size :: Shoulder-35cm :: Sleeves-14cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-86cm
Note-Please take note that the belt is not attached to you can simply put it aside if you are not that into belts..=)
Status: Available

If you have a cardigan, you can wear it just like Liv Tyler. If you don't have one, you can wear it with an inner. Both looks hot (^_^)

Item No. 4
BL~O17- Loose and simple check-box
Available in black, blue and red
Free Size :: Shoulder-40cm :: Sleeves-15cm :: Bust-50cm :: Length-74cm
Note-Suits best for any size (S/M/L) and please take note that the colour black and blue looks a bit similar in colour, and the picture above indicates the black one. So if you prefer blue, please state out the colour you want, okay girls =)
Status: Available

BL~O18- Loose, simple & charming check-box (Red)
Free Size :: Shoulder-40cm :: Sleeves-15cm :: Bust-50cm :: Length-74cm
Note-This is the one in red and please take note of the side button which totally completes the style
Status: Available

Walaupun mereka tidak berseluar atau berseluar compang-camping, kita tak perlu la ikut yang itu, but learn how they mix and match things, mengikut kesesuaian dan diri kita sendiri (^_^)
Bagi you yang suka mencuba style ranggi, boleh pakai belt around your waist to highlight those waist.

Item No. 5
 DR~O19-Gorgeous Pleated Cream Chiffon Dress which comes with a lining
Unit available: One (1)
Shoulder-25cm :: Sleeves-20cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-90cm
::RM46 only!!::
Status: Available

By Dior, price at $1,990.00.
Oh wow, something that I can't afford to buy.

Another model wearing similar design. 
Doesn't it look adorable? (^_^)

Item No. 6

DR~O2O- Long Sleeved Printed Chiffon Dress (Pink)
Free Size(Loose Cut) :: Shoulder-35cm :: Sleeves-62cm :: Bust-35cm :: Length-85cm
Status: Available

DR~O21- Long Sleeved Printed Chiffon Dress (Yellow)
Free Size(loose cut) :: Shoulder-35cm :: Sleeves-62cm :: Bust-35cm :: Length-85cm
Status: Available

What Kate Moss is wearing has quite similar design to the dress I'm selling, but the purpose of this picture is to show you how you can play around with a belt around your waist to highlight your hip. Pheww wiittt

Item No. 7
DR~O22- Off shoulder Korean Green Lace Top which comes with a lining 
Units available: Two (2)
Shoulder-33cm :: Sleeves-16cm :: Bust-56cm :: Length-80cm
Note- It is in a straight cut, with a pocket on the front side. The lace is green in colour and looks very nice, and it is designed to be worn off-the-shoulder.
Status: Available

You can wear it with a black belt just like this model (^_^)

Item No. 8
 SH~O23- Stripe Shirt-2 colours available
Size S (Brown/Blue)
:: Shoulder-38cm :: Sleeves-64cm :: Bust-40cm :: Length-62cm
Note-Stripe works best in making you look tall, slim and curvy..ain't that a dream of every woman?
Status: Available

SH~O24- Korean Stripe Shirt-1 available
Size L (Brown Stripe) 
:: Shoulder-40cm :: Sleeves-64cm :: Bust-45cm :: Length-62cm
Status: Available

Katie Holmes in one of the movie, kalau tak silap I.